How to queue an animation for multiple elements and wait until they finished?
Compact syntax with timing methods:
The jQuery token $ is used instead of a callback function to indicate the timing version of animate().
Compare this to the old way with more syntactic fluff:
var waiting = $('.many').length;
$('.many').animate(attributes, options, function(){
if (!--waiting) {
Similar patterns with animations
- How to
wait for the elements' animation queues to get empty?$('.some').wait().doSome().jQueryStuff();
- How to
wait for the end of the elements' current animations?$('.some').join().doSome().jQueryStuff();
- How to
wait for the end of the elements' current animations for a given queue name?$('.some').join(queue).doSome().jQueryStuff();
- How to
wait for the elements' animation queues to get empty with .join()?$('.some').join(true).doSome().jQueryStuff();
- How to
wait for the elements' animation queues for a given queue name to get empty?$('.some').join(queue,true).doSome().jQueryStuff();
- How to
queue an animation and return immediately?$('.some').animate(attributes,options);
- How to
queue an animation for a single element and wait until it finished?$('#single').animate(attributes,options,$).jQueryStuff();