Example #16: playing pong with divs
In this example we work with two different animation queues.
The horizontal animation for the ball uses the effects queue named 'myFX'. We have to start that queue manually using .dequeue('myFX').
// the horizontal animation options
var horiz = { duration : 2000, easing : 'linear', queue : 'myFX' };
The vertical animation uses the default queue which always starts on its own. It includes all three moving elements at once.
// the vertical animation options
var vertic = { duration : 900, easing : 'linear' };
Because the two queues will be animated with different repeating intervals the ball doesn't always take the same path.
$('.example .ball').repeat()
$('.example span').repeat()
Other examples with animations
Other examples with context switch
Other examples with instant loops
- Example #2: repeated blinking with iterated timeouts
- Example #4: blinking a given number of times on click
- Example #5: create dynamic tables with instant loops
- Example #6: iterate all selected elements with a timeout
- Example #8: simple progress indicator with text
- Example #12: cyclic button clicks
- Example #15: enable continue button only after making choices
- Example #17: scheduling different elements' animations
- Example #18: falling little boxes
- Example #20: ruler with animation
Other examples with open loops
- Example #1: repeated blinking (like in the old days with the deprecated
element) - Example #2: repeated blinking with iterated timeouts
- Example #6: iterate all selected elements with a timeout
- Example #7: clock display with one short blink per second
- Example #8: simple progress indicator with text
- Example #14: wait a timeout after each click before blinking
- Example #17: scheduling different elements' animations
- Example #19: pause animation cycle on mouseover
- Example #20: ruler with animation
Other examples with repeat-loops
- Example #1: repeated blinking (like in the old days with the deprecated
element) - Example #2: repeated blinking with iterated timeouts
- Example #4: blinking a given number of times on click
- Example #5: create dynamic tables with instant loops
- Example #6: iterate all selected elements with a timeout
- Example #7: clock display with one short blink per second
- Example #8: simple progress indicator with text
- Example #9: generating password with fake progress
- Example #11: change the banner randomly in an interval loop
- Example #12: cyclic button clicks
- Example #14: wait a timeout after each click before blinking
- Example #17: scheduling different elements' animations
- Example #18: falling little boxes
- Example #20: ruler with animation